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What are Favites Corals?

 Favites corals are a type of stony coral belonging to the family Faviidae. They are one of the most popular and widely distributed coral species in the world. Favites corals are found in reefs, lagoons, and shallow water habitats throughout the Indo-Pacific, Caribbean, and Red Sea regions. Favites corals have an attractive appearance, with distinctive star-shaped polyps on a skeletal base. They range in color from light brown to green, and many species have a speckled pattern, making them very attractive in the aquarium. Favites corals are also known for their hardiness and ability to survive in a variety of conditions. Favites corals require strong lighting and good water movement to survive. They feed on plankton and other small particles, which they capture with their polyps and tentacles. They also benefit from supplemental feedings of brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and other types of food. In the aquarium, Favites corals need to be placed in the correct location to ensure their health and growth. They should be placed in an area with medium to high light levels, and a moderate water flow is recommended. They should also be kept away from other corals that require more intense lighting, as this can cause damage to their delicate tissue. euphyllia are great for beginner aquarium hobbyists, as they are hardy and easy to care for. With the right conditions, they can thrive in the aquarium and add beauty to the reef tank.
